Video Modeling – How To

Community Skills
Daily Living/Home Care
School Skills
Self Care
Work Skills

What is Video Modeling?: is the use of visual/video examples of someone performing a targeted behavior or skill and then imitating the behavior/skill watched.

How is Video Modeling Used?

  1. The individual watches the video demonstration of the skill/skills.
  2. After watching the video, the individual performs the skills from the video.
  3. With consistent repetition, the individual begins to generalize or utilize that skill in all environments.

Why Use Video Modeling/Video Tours?

  • Motivating method of presenting information
  • Simple means of accessing information (computer, phones, tablets)
  • Short videos can be presented in a quickly, and “on the go.”
  • Allows for independence of learning (minimal direct person-person instructions required)
  • Visual learners are naturally attracted to video and other visual means of receiving information.
  • Cost/time effective means of teaching
  • Video Modeling can assist in teaching a variety of skills (daily living, behavioral, school skills, community skills, etc.)
  • Individuals with autism are typically visual learners, naturally drawn to video and other visual inputs. Video modeling for children with autism is an ideal fit for teaching all types of skills.

Request a video modeling skill to add to the site (free)